Thursday, February 9, 2017

Why do we search for customers but only in a limited extent?


 Customers are a condition because the system is so complex and advanced, it requires ongoing cost heavy development. Furthermore, there are many advantages by being directly connected to the market, which is quite expensive. So sharing the ongoing expenses is a condition for being able to develop the best possible system on the market.

Without customers we would not be where we are today 

 You could call it win-win. The customers give economic possibilities. Furthermore, we have also developed a concept which we call 97%. Here we share our knowledge with our customers. Teach them up with the hopes of them one day finding new ways of approaching the matter, that we would not have thought of otherwise. More elements from ASA Trading Software comes from this network, and here we are talking world wide. That is amongst one of the reasons that our development lies in Bangkok.

Things are moving really fast in Asia and developments can be kept down. One very big expense is to the cloud based computing power and usage as well as the development of artificial intelligence.

Furthermore, there are expenses to Reuters, which gives access to news in a few microseconds after the news are out. Likewise, we also work on trading directly on the exchange in order for the reaction speed to be brought down. All of this will never be realistic as a private person. The customers needs us because we give them opportunities that they would never themselves reach, likewise we need them due to the ambitions of the system.