The whole point of the above standing approach, is that ASA Trading Software will always be updated. Today, people are rating the different strategies. Some work on some pairs and certain periods of time. This issue is not relevant anymore. ASA Trading Software will always chose the correct strategy, no matter how times change.
The perfect probability calculator
A probability calculator indexed and optimized by search engine technology, will be as fast as any possible strategy that will be delivered in real time.
The indexing for search engines can be performed on powerful servers ongoing, like Google does, and when the market moves, the artificial intelligence will recognize it and come up with suggestions before the market takes form. So when a descending triangle is 50% done, we will already have an idea of all the possible strategies that have a high probability. Equivalent to instant search. You start off by writing a search term. From here a matter of alternatives will be provided before the words and sentences have been written.
All strategies are based on different patterns and parameters. They never have all of the parameters. Furthermore, they do not have the entire history either. Moreover, they do not have the associated statistics to rate the validity. All of this is put together in ASA Trading Software. ASA is the future, and the next generation trading software.